Saturday, December 17, 1977

25 Years in the Branch - Carl Fredrik Reutersward

Venue: Malmoe Konsthall.

Location: Malmoe, Sweden.

Date: December 17, 1977 - February 26, 1978

Catalog: No

Type: Mixed exhibition

A few holograms + many of CFR's art work produced during the previous 25 years.

Through the Looking Glass

Venue: The Atlanta College of Art.

Location: Atlanta, GA USA.

Date: December 17, 1977 - January 18, 1978.

Catalog: No.

Type: All Holography.

Museum of Holography traveling show based on the Museum's inaugural exhibition of the same name. The exhibition traveled to art, science and children's museums throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Israel from 1977 to 1987.

The exhibition was produced and circulated by Paul D. Barefoot, Holophile. Inc.


Saturday, November 12, 1977

Through the Looking Glass

Venue: Ybor Square.

Location: Tampa, Florida, USA.

Date: November 12 - December 11, 1977.

Catalog: No

Type: Mixed exhibition

Museum of Holography traveling show based on the Museum's inaugural exhibition of the same name. The exhibition traveled to art, science and children's museums throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Israel from 1977 to 1987.

The exhibition was produced and circulated by Paul D. Barefoot, Holophile. Inc.


Tuesday, October 4, 1977

Through the Looking Glass

Venue: Walnut Street Theatre.

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Date: October 4 -November 2, 1977

Catalog: No

Type: Holography only.

Premier showing of the Museum of Holography traveling show based on the Museums inaugural exhibition.

From this Philadelphia engagement, the show began a 10 year tour to art, science, and children's museums throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Israel -- not returning to New York until its retirement in 1987.

The exhibition was produced and circulated by Paul D. Barefoot, Holophile. Inc. (


Friday, September 16, 1977

Portrait Gallery of Famous New Yorkers

Venue: Museum of Holography

Location: 11 Mercer St, New York, NY, USA.

Date: September 16 - December 31, 1977.

Catalog: No.

Type: All integral holograms.

This was the first showing of an ongoing commission of portraits of people who "made New York famous." The pieces were 120 and 360 degree integral holograms. The first portrait was Mayor Abraham Beame, who coined the exhibition title, "The New York Holo-fame." The show reopened at the Museum on July 24, 1981.

The Portrait Gallery included Joseph Papp (NY Shakespeare Festival), William Buckley, Bella Abzug, Big Bird of Sesame Street, Tom Brokaw, NYC Mayor Beame, Pete Hamill, Andy Warhol, Mitchel Rosenthal of Phoenix House, The New York City Ballet, Arthur Barnes (NY Urban Coalition), Cousin Brucie Morrow (disc jockey), Kitty Carlisle Hart, Arthur Ashe (Tennis Champion), and John Marion (Sotherby Parke Bernet).


Tuesday, September 6, 1977

Through the Looking Glass

Venue: The Hudson Bay Company.

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Date: September 6 - 17, 1977.

Catalog: No

Type: All holograms.

Museum of Holography traveling show based on the Museum's inaugural exhibition of the same name. The exhibition traveled to art, science and children's museums throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Israel from 1977 to 1987.

The exhibition was produced and circulated by Paul D. Barefoot, Holophile. Inc.


Wednesday, June 1, 1977

Handscapes 1 - Nancy Gorglione,

Venue: Wizard Gallery.

Location: 1504 Haight St., San Francisco, CA, USA.

Date: Summer 1977.

Catalog: No.

Type: Holograms and dichroic glass.

Transmission Holograms and Vacuum Coated Glass Rrt.


Holograms in Country AIR....

Venue: The Catskill Center for Photography Inc.

Location: Woodstock, NY, USA.

Date: Summer 1977.

Catalogue: No.

Type: 15 holograms from the LASER LIGHT ltd. Collection.
Work from: Lon Moore, Steve Benton, Gary Adams, Abe Rezny, Dave Schmidt, Steve Collin and Scott Nemtzow.


Tuesday, February 1, 1977

Picture This

Venue: Museum of Modern Art.

Location: New York, New York, USA.

Date: February 1977

Catalog: No.

Type: Selected Holography.

Work from The useum of Holography collection.
Grant from Mobil Foundation.
