Wednesday, June 1, 1977

Handscapes 1 - Nancy Gorglione,

Venue: Wizard Gallery.

Location: 1504 Haight St., San Francisco, CA, USA.

Date: Summer 1977.

Catalog: No.

Type: Holograms and dichroic glass.

Transmission Holograms and Vacuum Coated Glass Rrt.


Holograms in Country AIR....

Venue: The Catskill Center for Photography Inc.

Location: Woodstock, NY, USA.

Date: Summer 1977.

Catalogue: No.

Type: 15 holograms from the LASER LIGHT ltd. Collection.
Work from: Lon Moore, Steve Benton, Gary Adams, Abe Rezny, Dave Schmidt, Steve Collin and Scott Nemtzow.
