Sunday, December 2, 2001

The Nature of Holography

Venue: The Children's Museum.

Location: Boca Raton, FL, USA.

Date: December 2, 2000 - January 28, 2001.

Catalog: No

Type: All Holography.

Traveling exhibition produced by Holophile, Inc. introduces visitors to the "nature" of holography — its unique characteristics and how it differs from other media -- by displaying a variety of natural and wildlife images.

The exhibition was produced and circulated by Paul D. Barefoot, Holophile. Inc.


Sunday, October 28, 2001

The Nature of Holography

Venue: Hygienic Art.

Location: New London, CT, USA.

Date: October 28 - November 25, 2001.

Catalog: No.

Type: All Holography.

Traveling exhibition produced by Holophile, Inc. introduces visitors to the "nature" of holography — its unique characteristics and how it differs from other media -- by displaying a variety of natural and wildlife images.

The exhibition was produced and circulated by Paul D. Barefoot, Holophile. Inc.


Thursday, June 14, 2001

Deep Shadows? - Andrew Pepper

Venue: Gallery 286.

Location: London, UK.

Date: June 14 to July 30, 2001

Catalog: No

Type: Holography and site specific installation.

Solo exhibition.

Exhibition included a site-specific installation incorporating metal and holographic surfaces, electric light and shadows cast onto the gallery floor.

Organized by Jonathan Ross

Further documentation here:


Thursday, March 1, 2001

New Acquisitions

Venue: Gallery 286.

Title: New Acquisitions and Previously Unexhibited Work from the Jonathan Ross Collection.

Location: London, England.

Date: March 2001.

Catalogue: No.

Type: Holography only.

Organized by Jonathan Ross.

Works by: Alexander, Margaret Benyon, Patrick Boyd, Susan Cowles, Jo Fairfax, John Kaufman, August Muth, Andrew Pepper/Eric Krantz, David Pizzanelli, Martin Richardson, Doris Vila, Martin Wall.

Further documentation here:
