Saturday, June 8, 1985

San Francisco Holography

Venue: HVorpal Gallery.

Location: San Francisco, USA.

Date: June 8, 1985

Catalog: No.

Type: All Holography.

Opening Party Saturday June 8, 1985

"San Francisco Holography," "A Major Exhibition of Art Holography" highlighted San Francisco Bay Area artists' work in color control in reflection holography. Art Holograms by Greg Cherry, Jim Feroe, Nancy Gorglione, Bob Hess, Randy James, John Kaufman, Lon Moore and Jeffrey Murray showed a growing maturity of expression and technical skill within the holographic art: a small group movement in color control.

Holograms were arranged by themes and subject matter by N. Gorglione, while sculptural display fixtures by Greg Cherry integrated the separate art holograms into a sculptural whole. The installation introduced Cherry Optical Holography's portable hologram and light display fixtures, made of anodized aluminum bars held together by the ingenious "Cherry Blocks." Laser scanning and monochromatic projections by Laser Affiliates with Nancy Gorglione, Greg Cherry and Steve Anderson served as a backdrop, easily viewable through holograms on slender display fixtures.

John Kaufman exhibited "Balinese Puppets" and other lushly colored (TEA) reflection holograms. Gorglione's Reflection Hologram Composites "Tree I" and "Tree II" were installed by former Celestial Holograms partner Lon Moore's "Tree," a multicolored reflection hologram. Complex color registration work by Randy James complimented a bronze sculpture with a projecting holographic Ax by James Feroe. Greg Cherry exhibited the pivotal "Egyptian Memories," "Talk to Me" (Pictured on the Invitation) and "Two Face," which was displayed with Bob Hess' "Mask"; a bright pseudoscopic image of a face.

Four color hand silkscreened posters by Jos Sances and N. Gorglione were posted in City restaurant windows and other protected sites to advertise the exhibition. A large card mailing with image by Greg Cherry and press releases to all Media also served to notify the public of our holographic art.

A beautiful show in a good gallery inspired the entire issue of L.A.S.E.R. News, Summer 1985.

San Francisco Holography at the Vorpal Gallery produced by Nancy Gorglione with Laser Affiliates. It was funded in part by grants from the S.F. Hotel Tax Fund, the N.E.A., and Cherry Optical Holography. Lasers from Steve Anderson, and Spectra Physics, Inc.

The Opening Party was huge; Gorglione personally served 2 dozen cases of wine to attendees.
